The Summer Bucket List Book Tag

Reader, it is properly, meltingly, boilingly hot. And humid. Boy, is it humid. You could probably swim through the air, which at least gives you something to swim in, because the lake is not quite at swimming temperatures. I mean, I guess you could swim but you’d probably stop your heart, so, I think I’ll take the heat.

However, since summer is not at its most pleasant this week, I thought I would do a book tag that is pretty pleasant and excited about summer, and all the fun things it brings (you know, if we weren’t still in a pandemic), and hopefully, that would make the hot weather feel more fun and less oppresive. It’s worth a try, anyways.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the Summer Bucket List Book Tag!

1.Hit the Beach: a book set by the water

I haven’t read this book in years, but when I think book set by the water, I think Death On the Nile by Agatha Christie. This one’s not just by the water, it’s on the water, as a cruise headed down the Nile is engulfed in mystery when a wealthy heiress is murdered on board. It’s a unique twist on your typical murder mystery and a perfect beach read.

2. Watch Fireworks: a book with a fiery romance

They’re less romantic and more toxic, but I think I’m going to go with Cathy and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Sure, they’re both a little bit psychotic, but it’s certainly a fiery, passionate, and intense romance. That’s just how it goes in Gothic novels.

3. Go For a Road Trip: a book that involves a journey

Lots and lots of books have journeys in them, but I think I’m going to go with The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews, because it has a literal road trip in it. And I love it.

4. Camp Under the Stars: A book that left you starstruck

I’m a little confused by this question, but let’s go with Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian, because I was starstruck by Laura Sebastian’s mastery of her craft and the way she constantly surprised me.

5. Marathon Some Movies: a book you couldn’t put down

There have been so many, but I think the most recent one was Final Account by Peter Robinson. There was just so much stuff going on in that book, I couldn’t put it down until I figured out what the heck was going on.

5. Go Out For Ice Cream: a book with a sweet romance

I think I’ll go with Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant, because the couple in this book literally go out for ice cream on their first date, and then he makes an ice cream flavour just for her, and it’s all kinds of adorable and sweetness, and I love it.

6. Picnic In the Park: a book that was a breath of fresh air

Since it’s Pride Month, let’s go with You Should See Me In a Crown by Leah Johnson, a book that was a breath of fresh air in the sense that it dealed with old tropes by putting new spins on them and showcasing characters that don’t often get to be in the spotlight and by dealing with serious issues with a deft and light hand instead of skirting around them or pretending they don’t exist.

7. Go For a Hike: A character who conquered an obstacle

Again, this could be applied to almost every book but I think I’ll choose this year’s favourite, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas. Not only does it have emotional obstacles to be conquered it has some physical ones as well, from obstacle courses to mountain climbing to ribbon cutting (which is way trickier than it sounds). Plus, I think there is some literal hiking in this one as well, so that’s bonus symmetry.

8. Grill Some BBQ: A book featuring some delicious food

Another book I haven’t read in years, for this prompt I have Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen. The main character’s a caterer, there’s magic in the food and the apple tree in the backyard…it’s a perfectly frothy light summer magical realism romance that will make you super hungry.

9. Watch the Sunrise: a book that inspires you

There are a lot, but a more recent one is Moxie by Jennifer Mathieau. It’s the perfect feminist read that makes you want to actually get out there and smash the patriarchy (or at least the school dress code), and I like that in a book.

And there you have it, that is the Summer Bucket List Book Tag. You guys should let me know in the comments any of your answers to these prompts, stay safe, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and I’ll see you on Saturday.

Until the next time.

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